When we fully embrace who we are — all of it — we become a magnet attracting the people, opportunities, experiences, and abundance that we desire.
We can call in what we want when we show the world that we are ready, able, and worthy of receiving what the abundant universe has to offer. The masks that keep us “safe” in the world — that we falsely believe keep others from judging and keep us from falling — too often require us to betray our nature. We then become disloyal to our sense of integrity and play games that keep us on the sidelines or playing far too small to feel true satisfaction from life.
This drama is so familiar to us that it’s present in stories all over: the student adopts the trend and finally gains the attention of the popular kids, but the connection they want lies with the kids who have unique and heartfelt interests; the downtrodden salesman ignores his values and becomes wealthy only to realize his moral bankruptcy is worse than financial hardship.
We all want to act as the hero in this kind of story, but we regularly find ourselves looping in the tragic first acts, never getting to the feel-good payoff. Most of us are far more comfortable heeding the call of conformity, though we know (and usually hear some part deep down crying out) that hiding who we are is not how we want to live.
Herein lies the importance of self-awareness: we must first recognize the voice within calling us toward authenticity and integrity so we can actually discern whether we are honoring our values or not. This is the proverbial “work,” and it is a noble endeavor toward authenticity, toward that magnetic presence that affords us the opportunity to say yes to the life we want and set our sails wholly and boldly for that horizon.
Have you ever felt like a situation should feel different, bigger, or more important, but been unable to access or explain why it didn’t? Or have you ever reacted in a way that feels way overblown for the situation at hand? These reactions are reflections of parts of us that often go unheard, unnoticed, or are even totally unconscious within us, but they play out in our lives when we aren’t present to how the body is reacting and how our nervous system learned to respond this way.
You can learn to witness, accept, and embrace all of you (even the parts unknown), which allows you to lead from your values with integrity, and honor what is most important to you in even the most challenging situations.
Living authentically requires self-knowledge and radical self-acceptance. Authenticity engenders magnetism because radical self-acceptance is attractive beyond measure. When we endeavor inwardly with curiosity, and learn to meet what we encounter there with love, compassion, and acceptance, we evolve. The magnetic presence we all want to exude requires this of us. The most important relationships in our lives are the ones where we let people under the surface. These relationships show us the path to our fullest expression of authenticity because they inevitably call in parts of us that aren’t comfortable to sit with. Great relationships force us to look deeply in the mirror and sit with what IS, not what we wish could be. This acceptance is the key that unlocks our most magnetic presence.
Now, most of us begin the work of self-acceptance after years of coping with the effects of trauma, pain, hurt, and all other kinds of harm that compel us to look away from what forms within. The narratives that get built in us beg us not to look too deeply into the mirror and complicate this matter of magnetic presence, because the mere thought of full-bodied presence can feels so hard and dangerous when we’ve experienced pain and cruelty.
The beautiful thing about relationships is that we tend to call in the exact kind of person who triggers us in ways that force us to look where it hurts. When we’re ready to evolve, we turn toward this chemistry with loving curiosity, and allow ourselves to be moved by it. Evolutionary self-awareness is gained, amplified, and accelerated through loving connection.
Ask your partner how magnetic you become to them when you listen and grow in the ways they need you to. Magnetic Presence is available to all of us, and every relationship in our lives can show us the way there.
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